Friday, December 30, 2005

2006 Swanage Looking Forward (only, no retrospectives please)

So how should Swanage proceed? Do we really have any influence or must we just wait for economic or climatic cycles to change?

Friday, December 23, 2005

Blues Festival (3,4,5 March 2006)

I am organising the Sixth Swanage Blues Festival for 3, 4 and 5 March 2006 and wonder if there are any kind people out there who might be interested in putting up a musician or musicians for a night or two?

If you are interested in helping out, please contact me, Steve Darrington, on 01929 422338. You can see who's coming by looking at

Thank you.

Posted by Steve Darrington to swanage view at 12/22/2005 09:38:47 PM

Friday, December 16, 2005

Drop kerbs needed?

Steve Darrington is campaigning to improve pavement access in Swanage, so asks the elderly, disabled or mums with baby buggies to contact him if there are any routes in town that could be made easier with drop kerbs.
Call Steve on 01929 422338 or e-mail

See the full article at:

Friday, December 09, 2005

The Mowlem

As a regular visitor to the Swanage area for various festivals, can someone please explain why the Jazz, Blues, Folk and Film Festivals never put anything on there? Come to that, there's hardly anything on during the Carnival either.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Pensions "A" Day

After all the hype and indignation in the press and on this blog, about the ability of SIPP holders to put second homes in their pension; what now the Chanceller has U-turned and removed this potential tax break? Will house and flat prices callapse to the level local people can afford them, and nobody wants to build/convert any more? Or will it just mean there will be less second homes occupied by tourists, less jobs in service industries and a poorer community for that? Details of the changes at:

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Swanage Residents' newsletter

If you would like to read the latest Swanage Residents Newsletter:

or join, and you'll be sent a copy in glorious colour. (It's only one colour, but pretty glorious nonetheless).