[From Durlston Country Park newsletter]
Dolphin Alert! Text Service
What with all these new fangled technologies
(mobile phones!) now allowing almost instant
communications we have decided to drag
ourselves kicking and screaming into the
1990’s and offer a text alert system to anyone
that’s interested in spotting the magnificent
creatures of the sea. By making the call out
system more accessible we hope to
encourage more people to text in their own
sightings to give us a better idea of
populations and behaviour in the waters off
Dorset. Although called Dolphin Alert! it is not
just Dolphin sightings we’re interested in, we
would love to hear about sightings of Whales,
Sharks, Seals or anything a little unusual such
as Sunfish. All you need to do to receive a
text notification of what has been spotted,
where and when, is to email your name and
telephone number (texts can be sent to a
landline if you don’t have a mobile, or one
that you switch on!) to info@durlston.co.uk
with the subject ‘Dolphin Alert’. The service
costs £5 per year (cheques payable to
Durlston Marine Project) (1st August – 31st