Monday, October 11, 2004

Turn Vista pool private?

So what's the truth about rumours about stopping the public using the swimming pool at the Vista caravan park? And other facilities too no doubt. All part of the council's spending spree of half a million quid to turn the caravan park into a private closing the pool to the public fair? Can they do it? Is this a good way to spend the council's money? What about other things the town needs?


Anonymous said...

Outrageous. The pool is an exceptional asset and one that belongs to the town, not simply to the town's caravan park. The use of public funds is key in this story. Find another park owner afforded such privileged funding? Impossible. The ombudsman would surely be very interested.

The Postman said...

Well..I've since heard that there are NOT any formal plans to stop the public using the pool. Not that this means there aren't people who would like this — but it's not specifically on the agenda at the moment. Something to keep our eyes on.

Anonymous said...

Its a strange seaside paradox that its quite normal to have true blue Tory councils in favour of having public ownership of leisure facilities.
I'm torn between denouncing them for not having noticed their party's policies for the last 30 years or congratulating them for exactly the same thing and suggesting that the people's republic of Swanage extends its economic empire.
If public ownership is good enough for the Chinese factory which made the computer I am writing this on it is good enough for Swanage!