Friday, January 27, 2006

(Public) Council meeting Mon 30th Jan

The monthly town council meeting is due on Monday 30 January, at the Town Hall, preceded as usual by a half-hour Question Time (at 7pm) for anyone to raise any subject they wish.


Anonymous said...

Anything interesting?

The Postman said...

Good number of people turned up: various issues raised. Please comment if these notes inaccurate.

Stone quay- Roger Marsh pointed out that the wall (low down on the sea-facing side) was in danger of collapse if not attended to soon. Town Clerk, Mr Leeson, thanked him for drawing attention to this and noted that the adjacent concrete slipway was being examined by engineers and this area would be looked at too.

SeaCourt - Beth Paxton-Brunning, on behalf of the Sea Court Action Group, updated those present on the position: that Purbeck District Council had voted not to fight the developers appeal, under pressure from the PDC CHief Executive and their Legal Adviser that rejection might lead to costs being awarded aginst PDC and a consequent effect on council tax. BP-G noted that the Group was disappointed and surprised that the Mayor had voted in support of the developers. There was further debate.

Camper vans - concern expressed at proposed restrictions:a meeting will be arranged between concerned parties and the Town Council

Residents' concessions - observation made that perhaps (for camper vans) but also in other areas, residents might be given more concessions.

Sea Court garden - neighbour asked Council if it could do anything to press owners to tidy up the garden