Saturday, May 02, 2009

Funding: Chalk and Cheese

Chalk and Cheese

Chalk and Cheese have funding that is available to support small businesses. The meetings are held at Athelhampton -the only Purbeck business to apply is the Keystone (Burngate) project. All the other businesses are from west Dorset. eg Jyoti from Fivepenny Farm a sustainable farming community...where are the applications from Purbeck. The funds are there and the support..where is the energy from Purbeck. Don't sit around blaming others get off your bums and apply for what others in Dorset are doing. If you have a small business that is benefitting the community...then contact CHALK & CHEESE
T: 01305 215227-We so want to talk to you so don't hesitate.. To talk
to us about your project call 01305 215228, for local products ring 01305 215229 if you're not sure then our main number is 01305 215226. To send us anything the fax is 01305 215001 but you need to clearly mark it Chalk and Cheese as the fax lives a long way from us,
e-mail is and finally our address for a more traditional approach is:

Chalk and Cheese Stinsford Business Centre Stinsford Dorchester Dorset DT2 8PY

Posted by Anonymous to swanageview at 1:35 AM

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