Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Too many signs?

The Echo carries a story today (16 November) headed "`Distasteful' signs must come down" referring to the
Purbeck Hotel being ordered to take down many of the signs outside thepub.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

I'm all for premises being able to advertise the services they provide, but it does seem to be getting out of hand in places, what with banners and a multitude of signs on walls, in windows, blocking pavements -- wherever they can put something. By the time you add the litter all around, parts of Swanage sometimes look like a third-world country

Postman2 said...

That must be why the ancient White House tourist information building on the seafront isn't listed, because the Town Council charge people to put up advertising signs on the outside...
Heres the link to the press story:

Postman2 said...
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Anonymous said...

Personally I think there are too few signs in Swanage and many more are needed....For all you signage needs come to Cactus Brands.....

Anonymous said...

For me at least, the most offensive signs in Swanage are those giant food. posters attached to the Santa Fe amusement park fence. They hint at desperation and blot the landscape.

Anonymous said...

What about the 2 CR sign/advert on the Anchor, one of the oldest buildings in the town. Completely out of character unnecessary.