Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Swanage Community Partnership AGM 17 June

Annual General Meeting, 17th June 2011

@ 10am Swanage Town Hall

[Meeting open to all, especially anyone who wants to get involved in helping make Swanage a better place to live, work or visit]

1. Welcome,

2. Apologies,

3. Appointment of Chairman

4. Appointment of Vice Chairman

5. Appointment of Honorary Treasurer

6. Appointment of Secretary

7. Chair’s Report and Review of the CSP 2010/2011 – A. Faulkner

8. Statement of Audited Accounts – M. Ayres

9. Minutes of 4th March Quarterly meeting

10. Matters Arising

11. New Group Development

12. Neighbourhood Plans update

13. Education Swanage Update

14. Review of other projects throughout the Town – M.Ayres

15. AOB

16. Date of next AGM


Anonymous said...

Its all gone a bit wonky :o)

Anonymous said...

It would be great to see an integrated plan with the Health Centre to provide a range of new and exciting community and healthcare facilities on a new site in Swanage with the obvious cost savings that would follow. Come on everyone lets get with it or loose it.

Anonymous said...

Forgive my ignorance but is this meeting open to any resident or invited representatives only?

Anonymous said...

10.6.11 12.23
The provision of Local Health Care will hopefully be something that will be discussed at the SCP meeting. If what you are suggesting is the best way forward then it needs all key representatives of local Heath Care to present this as a coordinated view and to discuss diplomatically and openly with the community of Swanage. How can the community 'get with it' and have the confidence to support this idea if it is not being presented by all Health groups ie. Hospital and Health Centre and other HC services together.

If high tech health expertise is best concentrated into centres of excellence then there should be a full and transparent discussion in advance. Local Health Services need to explain the advantages of this model so that people as you say are able to 'get with it'.

Anonymous said...

Would love to come to this meeting and discuss how to make Swanage a better place to work in. But I'm WORKING!!! How many times must there be meetings held in the day time during the week? Those who work (and, surprisingly there are a few still) can't make any of these, thus we don't have a voice.

The Postman said...

It was agreed at a previous meeting that these meetings would be held alternately in the daytime and in the evening. So the next meeting should be an evening one.

Anonymous said...

Ah, well having not been to a previous meeting, it's a little difficult to guess. Also, are you no then spending most of the meeting filling in those that weren't there last time because they couldn't make the previous one...

But, anything positive that comes out of discussions is always good so regardless of timings etc, be good to see the outcome of these sessions. Will definitely make it to an evening one.

Anonymous said...

"Also, are you no then spending most of the meeting filling in those that weren't there last time because they couldn't make the previous one..."

The minutes of the meeting would provide this wouldn't they? And you could expect that these are circulated with the agenda.

Anonymous said...

So that's the plan for Swanage until 2027.

* No mention of a vital change to the broadband infrastructure.
* Nothing about employment and bringing jobs into the area.
* Nothing for the young

So, as a young family, why live in Swanage? No work, no prospect of businesses coming and working from home in the future will be out if we don't update our broadband. These are plans that need to be put in place now, not thought about for another 4 years. Being by the sea isn't enough - it won't feed and clothe you. Swanage needs to do more for it's under 50s, to keep young families from moving away.

We're too insular looking and as such can't see the changes that are happening to the rest of the country. Squabbles about dog poo and parking really sell the idea of a village mentality and nothing else.

Stick a new wing on to the health centre, open up a new building, build 200 new homes or provide a few new car park spaces, but without big businesses to provide unemployment and a decent broadband service to allow video conferencing and working from home, the world will pass Swanage by.

Anonymous said...

to provide employment even! Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Can someone enlighten me. When I test my line I am told it is running at a little over 6 meg but of course I do not have download speeds anything like this. This suggests the problem is not between me and the exchange or on into the backbone so how will making the last leg of it to my house faster help? Upload speeds must be important of you are doing video conferencing but everything I have seen about faster broadband has been about download speeds only as the market is being driven by companies wanting to offer films for download rather than anything that will help rural businesses.

Reece de Ville said...

Yes, download speeds are always the focus - but upload speeds are so incredibly poor. Fibre optic would enable both upload and download to be a great deal speedier than present. The copper wiring they have currently at the exchange, and which carries the speeds to your house, just aren't up to large streams of data. So changing this to fibre optic would give you much higher speeds. The issue with video conferencing is having quick upload speeds - ie using Skype to share screens and documents etc. Just trying to currently send any file larger than 200mb takes up to 2 hours + (if you're lucky).

There are a great deal of photographers in this area for instance, and I can only imagine their pain at having to wait hours to upload high quality resolution images. Imagine how this would be for large businesses trying to work over the exchange.

i think if we looked across the country, download speeds aren't brilliant, but - as you rightly say - upload speeds are never mentioned. I know they're laying the fibre optic in Bournemouth, so it really needs this council to step up and make a case (however realistic) for Swanage to get on a list - make it attractive to BT, tell them the businesses and home workers that would benefit. BT - as much as i hate them! - could be convinced to be part of providing employment for the local community etc.

I'm a filmmaker and attempting to upload my films (3min promo pieces, 300-400mb in the main) to YouTube and my website has proven to be almost impossible at times. Let alone actually sending the files to clients (I email via yousendit over night). You can get round the problems, but if a number of people were to upload large files to send at once, we would have a serious problem. I know of a fair few farmers who have been unable to send livestock forms etc back due to poor connections in more rural areas - downloading the forms are fine, but problems in uploading anything has proven to be very costly business wise. Add to that, once you have more home workers (should be the future with no new offices available in town or businesses willing to move here) sending files and creating websites to fill with content, the current system really won't be able to cope.

Anonymous said...

Dont think an upgrade to broadband for Swanage can be on BTs priority list. Think how much revenue Swanage brings in to BT compared to say Bournemouth or Poole. Swanage is a quiet, seaside and retirement town with just a few digital businesses - broadband isnt the 'must have' for most people here.

Reece de Ville said...

No, and that's exactly why other parts of the country write proposals for how fibre optic would change their community. Of course we will stay the same if we don't bother. BT have no financial obligation, but the more noises that are made, the more we will be on the same eye level.

My point is that businesses will only come here with the promise of a fast line. No use in saying that no-one will come here and this is just a small town etc - we need to think bigger than that.

The governments digital economy drive will only help rural areas if rural areas speak up and get noticed, otherwise we'll remain cut off.

Reece de Ville said...

Also, regarding priorities, more and more services are now online only. Important forms and documents won't be able to be processed and developments such as NHS local doctor webcams (which work so well for other rural areas in this country) will just be a pipe dream.

Add to that, the current main industry here - tourism - will suffer when the creaking lines go down and all the switch machines used to pay b&b, hotel, shop and pub owers go with it.

It's not just about Facebook or Twitter - it's about a vital fou ration that this town needs to begin laying to ensure the survival of future generations.

The Postman said...

Hey .. can you use the Broadband heading to discuss broadband...?