Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sea off Swanage a National Park?

Interesting article in The Guardian, which might be worth thinking about, especially in the context of the proposed windfarm:
"We need to start a debate about how we can meet the needs of the maritime industries, conservation and food production in a way that supports a healthy and biodiverse sea. This requires a change in attitudes from all sides: the British need to start thinking about their seas the same way they think about the countryside. The first steps have been taken – 22 May is International Day for Biological Diversity and this year the day is dedicated to raising awareness and calling for practical action to support marine biodiversity around the world. In Britain the government is responding to this by looking at how it could implement marine conservation zones." ....continues


Anonymous said...

Brilliant, maybe fishermen could be subsidised to set-aside bits of sea...

Anonymous said...

Suggest taking a wider view by watching 'end of the line', and 'message in the waves', where plastic ends up in the sea to be swallowed by turtles, sea birds etc. End of the line is a shocking film about industrial unsustainable fishing to the extent of extinction of some species. Nature would be better off without humans. We are the problem.



David Furmage said...

Could agree more . Earth is going to shake us of like a bad disease. Surfers Against Sewage do some excellent work when it comes to the sea:)

Anonymous said...

'National Park'?

Only in national waters.....three/twelve miles from the shore line.

I believe the UK ceased 'ruling the waves' well before it lost its last air craft carrier............