Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Thomas the Tank Engine

Thomas the Tank Engine is Dead!

According to the Beeb, Swanage Railway is to drop their T the T weekends due to legislation that would require the Staff to take Training Courses.

Posted by Anonymous to swanageview at 5:55 PM


Anonymous said...

Perhaps they could give up on playing at being the toytown railway and run a proper passenger service which would be of some use to those of us who live here. Yes I know upteen thousands of tourists take their kids for a ride but with the amount of congestion on the roads the only thing that makes sense is to get the rest of the line open and run a commuter and shoppers service to Poole and Bournemouth and just as importantly let their inhabitants get here more easily.

Anonymous said...

why dont you write to the railway and see what they say, I'm led to beleive its the govt: not swanage railway holding things up or at least making it diffucult.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but what about Thomas?

Anonymous said...

What indeed. Actually if you read the BBC news item about this you will see that what has happened is that the company that owns Thomas did an audit of places where they do the weekends and found some of them, including Swanage, wanting. They said those concerned have to be properly trained so presumably Thomas will be back in a few months after the Fat Controller has been to charm school or whatever is required.