Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Swanage School (places)

I understand that a number of parents have tried to apply for The Swanage School using the Dorset County Council form - but am told that this form won't reach them, and they won’t be able to guarantee you a place at the school unless you have completed the application form provided by the school.

You can apply via the website at or contact their Admissions Team for a paper application form on 07757 319605 or by emailing


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Anonymous said...

Modern steel frame buildings go up very quickly, look no further than the new baptist church. Why should there be a problem finishing it on time? The impression of it shows what looks like two industrial sheds with a link building on the centre. Simple enough to build one would think.

Anonymous said...

If you watch the video the sports hall is at the back of the site.

Anonymous said...

The Baptist Church seems to be taking ages though.

Anonymous said...

Swanage School open evening at Harrow House 6-30 - 9-00 go along and if you have any questions you can ask them in person.

Anonymous said...

Thats tonight Thursday 29 Nov.

Anonymous said...

Great if anyone gets an answer about where they will go if the building isn't finished on time can you post it here?

Anonymous said...

why dont YOU go and ask ?

Anonymous said...

I knew someone would ask me that!! Unfortunately I was unable to attend otherwise I would have gone and asked.

Anonymous said...

And the answer is?

David Furmage said...

For a starters the advertiser is now run and I think partly owned by the Echo if I am right , and to be honest here is behind the news and constanly full of mistakes , so don't believe everything you read in them.

If you look closely at the plans , further down washpond lanes accross the purposed car park is the sports hall and a all weather games court and beyond that , space for an allotment and a nature area. Shame some of the doubters never went to the evening up at Harrow House , some of the many repetitive questions on here would have been answered for you , and over a lovely mulled wine and mince pies aswell.

Must say even I was very impressed and must say thank you ES and the parents for all you hard work. Certainly a community feel about it , which was really nice. And my kids are well excited .

Anonymous said...

Shame some of the doubters of TPS never went to their Open Evening either. It was ace.

David Furmage said...

I have no doubt it was ace , though awesome is the word I would have used to be in keeping with the times :) but for me it's about a fresh start , no previous history , people with keenness and willing to roll up their sleeves to make a change. And a new secondary school in Swanage that's is breathing some new life into the town , which I personally think is long overdue and needed .

Anonymous said...

Awesome is soooo 2002. Keep up with the times Dave! Immense is the word for 2012.

Anonymous said...

I prefer retro, ace is, well, ace!!

David Furmage said...

Never heard any kid say immense lol , my kids and all there friends say awesome:) immense seems to a bit of a posh word from someone who went to a private school :)

Retro is an awesome word , describes something as a nice design simple but classic:)

Anonymous said...

Posh no! More urban. I think you missed the point about retro.... 'ace' is retro and cool.

David Furmage said...

Well the new school looks awesome , why ? Because its cool, hip and exciting :)

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