Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Parish Assembly: 24th March

The parish assembly will be held at 7 p.m. on Thursday 24th March at the Mowlem Community Room (not the Catholic Hall as reported at the meeting). It has been brought forward to avoid the pre-election period.


Anonymous said...

Why isn't the parish meeting held at St Mary's??

Anonymous said...

Makes sense. Parish meetings were held there for centuries.

The Postman said...

Annual Town Meeting – Thursday 24th March

The annual Town Meeting or Parish Assembly is an open forum for residents to raise any issue of interest relating to Swanage. Representatives from a wide array of local organisations have been invited to attend and contribute including your Town, District and County Councillors, the local Police, health centre and hospital, Town Partnership, Chamber of Trade, Education Swanage, Hospitality Association, Mowlem Trustees, and Coastal Change pathfinder.
To place an item on the agenda just contact the Town Council at or by telephone 01929 423636.
The meeting which is usually held in May has been brought forward this year due to the local Council elections. It will be held at 7.00 pm on Thursday 24 March 2011 at the Mowlem Theatre Community Room, Swanage. Please do come along and exercise your right to participate in local democracy.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations STC, your efforts encouraged a full house!! Truly inspirational.

We look forward to next year.