Friday, December 03, 2004

Swanage's future (Community Plan)

Do you have any views on the future of Swanage? As well as airing them through this blog you should get in touch with the Swanage Town Partnership. Meeting under the chairmanship of the mayor this brings together organisations and individuals to work towards a plan for the future of the town. You can find out more at the Townhall

Posted under New Subjects by Keith Roker 2 Dec 04


The Postman said...

The following details the scope of the Plan as originally conceived. (The consultative phase is now finished;analysis is now taking place and the next actions will soon begin).

What is the ‘Swanage Community Plan’?

It is a plan of community led activities that will help to improve the quality of life in Swanage over the next 10 years.

It will be prepared over the next 12 months by asking everyone in Swanage and the surrounding areas to contribute ideas and opinions.

For example, what do you love about living or working in Swanage? Does Swanage have everything you need? What changes, if any, would improve your quality of life? What are your hopes for Swanage over the next 10 years? We shall also seek ideas across a range of themes e.g. transport, young people, crime and safety, tourism, environment and so on.

There is already a lot of valuable community action underway in Swanage. This additional consultation will result in creation of new projects and more help for existing ones.

By making this plan we aim to:

® promote voluntary activity within our community.
® attract funding and support from government agencies and trust funds for community projects.
® promote and develop Swanage Town and Community Partnership.
® influence the Purbeck Community Partnership and Purbeck District Council strategy and planning.

How is the Plan being prepared?

From January to June we will hold a series of ‘open house’ events at different venues in Swanage to gather your ideas. Over the same period we will visit groups and societies in Swanage and surrounding villages to hold discussions to record further ideas and suggestions.

We will also engage with our local schools to seek the views of the children and young people of Swanage and the surrounding areas.

Lastly we will carry out some street survey work, asking for people’s comments on a few short questions as they shop or visit the health centre etc.

This data will be analysed to identify major themes for discussion at public meetings next October. These meetings will decide upon major issues to address, outline appropriate actions and form volunteer action groups to start work with the Town Partnership to make the Plan a reality.

The Swanage Town and Community Partnership has set up a Task Group to manage the above process and prepare the Community Plan. If you would like to join it or become involved to support the process please contact the group co-ordinator Roger Seaman, on 01929 554667 (answerphone) or by e-mail or write to PO Box 5490, Swanage, BH19 2XJ.

The Postman said...

Swanage Community Plan: progress to date

The volunteers of the Task Group, working on behalf of the Swanage Town and Community Partnership, have collected opinions from people in Swanage over the past year. All of this data is now being collated,in part by the volunteers and in part with help from Bournemouth University. Public meetings are being planned to be held in Feb/March 2005 at which the findings of the opinion-gathering work will be presented.

Members of the public attending these meetings will be invited to review the 'data' documenting the issues and needs identified by people in Swanage. We hope that those attending these public meetings will then work together to define, in outline, community projects to address the documented community issues and needs. We also hope that people will volunteer to become involved in project teams, under the umbrella of the Town Partnership. This will create support for existing and new community action in Swanage and enable the
Partnership to attract major funding support for such action.

More details on this process will be provided nearer the time.

If you want more information, and/or would like to be involved, please get in touch with Roger Seaman, Community Plan Officer, on [roger.seaman AT] orTelephone:554667.