Sunday, August 12, 2007

Police care

The BBC reports that 5 police staff have been disciplined for failing to care for a drunk man who died after being left in a cell for 10 hours.
In summary the report is that Tony Davis, a well-known heavy drinker in Swanage, Dorset, was arrested on the town's seafront on 12 October, 2004.
He was taken to Poole police station and later found lying on the floor of his cell without a blanket and was taken to hospital after a police surgeon was called in and failed to detect a temperature and died of hyopethermia.
A police custody inspector was fined 13 days' pay, the maximum possible under police regulations, for neglect in the performance of his duties.
Two male custody sergeants were found guilty of neglect in the performance of their duties.
One of them was reprimanded and the other is to be issued with a written warning.
Two male civilian police staff detention officers were found guilty of gross misconduct and were each given a final written warning regarding the performance of their duties.
A third male civilian police staff detention officer resigned from his post before a disciplinary hearing was held.

Posted by Anonymous to swanage view at 1:03 PM

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The whole matter is very, very sad.