Sunday, April 05, 2009

Free speech

It looks like from tonight we will all have to be carefull of where we visit on the net whom we speak to and censor our own emails this Orwellian Govt: has it wish now, here endeth free speech and privacy!

Posted by Anonymous to swanageview at 1:00 PM


Anonymous said...

Do not think we do not know who you are anon. We have recorded your subversive ideas for future processing.

Ministry of Truth

Anonymous said...

Ohh please you could have written that before midnight then it would not be kept for future reference.

Anonymous said...

While we are at it the way many government agencies operate is kafkaesque, until the present government poured in money the condition of many schools was dickensian, our High Streets on a saturday night are often the scene of hogarthian insobriety but by a hardian irony we lack the swiftian wit to appreciate all of this. Oh dear this is turning into a wolfian stream of (semi) consciousness or is it a pavlovian reaction? I had better go so a voltarian can say its all for the best in a panglossian sort of way. Hope I have not made any freudian errors although thr reference to Dr Pangloss on a day when an earthquake has been reported could be seen as unfortunate.

Anonymous said...

I do hope that your intellectual wit keeps you warm!

Keith said...

Do the people who are against restrictions on free speech also oppose restrictions to the right to buy and sell homes? Can you have free speech without a free market?

Anonymous said...

We have neither!

Free speech means that I can say what I want to. We don´t have that right in this land cuz if we slander someone then they can sue us. We have to prove that we didn´t mean to cause any offence. We only have the right to free speech so long as we insert ¨allegedly¨ into the sentence. Meaning that we don´t have free speech.

As for the market - do we have a free one?

I have the right to buy a house wherever I want - so long as I´ve got the money. I have the right to buy food wherever I want - so long as I´ve got the money.

The word free is much misused. It means: ´Not affected or restricted by a given condition or circumstance´.
