Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Question Time!

Swanage Residents' Association is holding its AGM (open to all Swanage residents) on Monday 4th May, in the Mowlem committee room at 7.30 pm. The formal AGM will be preceded by:


Put your questions to County Council candidates:

Peter Clark: Liberal Democrats
Mike Hobson: UKIP
Max Stanford: Labour
Bill Trite: Conservative

Send your questions in advance to Rowland Hughes at < rowland@showcad.com > and as many as possible will be put to the candidates.


Anonymous said...

As of today's date, no one has submitted any questions. Surely there are topics on which people would like to hear the views of prospective councillors?
(I understand the objective is to get questions in advance, in order to be able to focus on major issues of wide interest, rather than taking up time with relatively small matters that might be of burning interest to one person, but not to others).
Get your questions in to:
< rowland@showcad.com >

Anonymous said...

Either no one has any questions to put forth, or very few in Swanage read this blog, or even access the internet!

Anonymous said...

What Bank Holiday 4 th of May???

The Postman said...

This was apparently the only date everyone could make and when a decent venue was available. But at least on a bank holiday, it's better than a meeting at the end of a long working day...

Anonymous said...

Questions to all four candidates:

1. How do you propose to restrict second homes in this area?

2. How do you propose to encourage and support local builders to build affordable, sustainable housing.

2. How do you propose to support and encourage thriving businesses/tourism in this area and avoid existing business properties from being converted into unaffordable housing?

3. What creative vision have you for this area, that can be achieved within the next 10 years.

4. How do you propose to support this area becoming more locally resilient and how do you plan to address the impacts of PEAK OIL?

5. Would you be willing to support the Transition model and support PEAT (Purbeck Environment Action Team) to progress with this.

6. Would you support the Local Producers to sell their food via the new supermarket Bugeons (This is happening in other Transition Towns)

7. How would you encourage and support young people to access apprentiships in this area and to support and encourage local business's to do this.

8. How would you support the creation of new jobs ie. sustainable eco building, green technology.

9. How do you plan to take advantage of the Olympics.

10. Would you support the building of a sports centre in Swanage...how would you propose to achieve this.

11. What sort of education system do you think is the best for our children in this area and how would you propose to achieve this outcome.

12. Would you be willing to work/communicate with West Dorset/Devon councils to bring about up to date sustainable changes for Purbeck. Eg. Farming for the Future, sustainable building, permaculture, renewable energy.

I look forward to your replies

Collette Drayson

Anonymous said...

As there have only been questions put forward from one person, It can only be assumed that everyone in Swanage is happy....as Nico says..don't moan unless you are prepared to play a part in trying to make a positive change!! Apathy in Purbeck is alive and kicking..and only a few are prepared to try to help to make things better. How are the councillors able to try to improve things and represent their communities if no one around here can be bothered to discuss their concerns with them. Ok we all agree that its mostly the 'older retired men' around here that stand for council..maybe the real reasons are that many younger people are maybe employed by DCC/PDC and are disqualified from standing as a candidate and others are too busy trying to earn an income to pay for their horrendous mortgages and rents. That said..its not all bad.. But..what we can do is to feed our concers to the candidates and support and encourage them to get on with the job that needs to be done to make positive changes.

Albert Einstein
"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."


(a great little You Tube film about making changes)

Anonymous said...

I've put my queries direct to Rowland on the email address provided in the original post - does this mean it hasn't been received or just that it's not been shared with this site?

The Postman said...

Questions that have gone to Rowland will be handled by Rowland, not posted here. The intention is that Rowland will chair the meeting, and will select a representative number of questions (just like they do on the telly)...

Anonymous said...

Sorry to have caused a little confusion...because no one had submitted any questions from Swanage, I did a bit of a brainstorm in my own head and with others, sent them to Rowland and also posted them here to encourage others. Its very sad that there was not a better response from Swanage. Maybe people are quite happy with everything.
