Wednesday, December 21, 2011

C-SCOPE Marine Plan Consultation

Draft C-SCOPE Marine Plan Consultation (Click on title for link to C-SCOPE website)

You are invited to comment on the Draft C-SCOPE Marine Plan. Your feedback is particularly important as this is a pilot project which could help to inform national marine planning. The Draft C-SCOPE Marine Plan is a non-statutory plan which aims to provide users, managers and regulators of the marine plan area, whether in public, private or voluntary sectors, with direction, policies and advice to ensure that their plans and activities contribute to sustainable development in the area. While the Plan should be taken as a whole, it is also intended to be complementary to existing plans and strategies. It seeks to avoid duplication as far as possible but does sign-post users to other relevant plans and strategies where they overlap.

Additionally there is an aspiration that the C-SCOPE Marine Plan will become a material consideration for local planning and regulatory authorities when making decisions on new applications for development, and eventually be given some statutory recognition through incorporation into local plans and national marine plans when they are developed.

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