Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Council meeting 25 April

Some notes of the meeting for your possible interest (as the Council is unlikely to have the minutes on its site for months!):

Public participation time:

Pier Head: George Crane asked Council why it couldn't 'knock some heads together' and sort out this disgraceful site, which gives a poor impression at a key access point to the Jurassic coast, and that this should be done quickly. Mayor replied that it's up to the developer to submit a plan that will be approved, that the Council should not rush into allowing something that might well be there for a hundred years.

Post Office/Councillor Agelink: the Council was asked their opinion on the Post Office and the role of the councillor (post-master) in closing it. The Town Clerk said he didn't think the question deserved a response. When asked what a councillor had to do to be sacked from the Council, the response was "failure to attend meetings for 6 months or being declared bankrupt, nothing else."
[so murder, manslaughter, rape, theft, embezzlement, corruption ...all OK then?]

Council matters (some points of note):

Vandalism: there seems to have been quite a spate recently: loos damaged at Peveril, benches broken, shelters damaged at King George's, etc. Note was made of a locked invalid buggy (maroon) stolen and carried away from flats in Rempstone Road - tell Police if you see one dumped somewhere.

Crime: Mayor noted the importance of reporting all crime, and getting a police number. If crimes aren't reported, police authorities think there is no need for more police support. Mayor also noted that one or two people have been charged over various offences.

Caravan Park: glowing reports from each other about the wonderful restaurant that has recently opened, and continuing sales of caravans, etc.

Ferry Road: Mayor reported that things are moving forwards regarding attempts to stop overnight camping.

Stone Quay: it was noted that work had started to repair this.

...and various other matters: full minutes can be seen at the Town Hall and eventually on the Council website.

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