Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Cross Pelican

Does anyone else agree the timings of the three new pelican crossings at the top of Station Road are on red for many seconds longer than the previous ones? I'm all for keeping cars out of the Town centre and would love to see the whole lot pedestrianised, BUT given there is no alternative route to Down Town Swanage at present, these new lights are going to cause chaos. What happened to the plans to reverse the High Street back from Court Hill?


Anonymous said...

1 some people walk slowly.
2 locals complained.

Anonymous said...

I dont think they are red any longer, after all as the poster said people take longer to cross and sorry if your journey is extended by all of 4 seconds.

Anonymous said...

So why not have two buttons like:
"1 Agile person wishing to cross";
"2 Give me a little more time please".
Car drivers sit there feeling the situation is stupid when the pedestrians have clearly crossed the road safely but the traffic has to sit stationary for what seems like ages after. Anyway if someone takes a while to cross and the lights change that isn't an excuse to mow them down or drive off in an intimidating manner. These lights will cause queues back up Victoria Avenue this summer. Why such inerter from the council to push through simple changes (close the seafront all the way along, pedestrianise the Town centre and Lower High Street, reverse Church Hill etc). A few NIMBY residents and pressure groups should not be allowed to spoil changes which would make Swanage far more pleasant, greener and healthier for the majority.